
Superintendent's Message

Special Education During School Closure

March 18, 2020

Dear Families:

Our Director of Student Services, Ruth Grube, is working closely with the special education staff and the State to understand what processes we will follow regarding Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and the special education progress. We thought this information might be helpful for all families. Please see her overview which is found below. If you have questions, please reach out to Ruth at


The following is an update from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding special education practice during the school closures because of COVID-19.

If full educational opportunities are provided through virtual school, replicating school virtually for six hours, then we owe full special education services. The school districts are not doing this, so, therefore, we cannot provide special education services.

The list below are guidelines that Concord Public School and Concord Carlisle Regional School will follow during the school closure due to COVID-19.

Annual Reviews – these meetings will take place virtually during school closure. If you have an annual review that expired over the past week or has an upcoming expiration date, you will receive a call from your case manager to have a virtual meeting. As a parent/guardian you may be asked to excuse a team member, confirm you received an IEP, receiving a meeting invite via email.

The district is trying to maintain timelines and simulate permissions as if we were meeting in person. You will be hearing from your case manager to schedule a time to meet. Be mindful of who is in the room with you as you meet so that the confidentiality of your child’s needs is kept.

IEP Rejection Meetings – rejection meetings are on hold during the school closures to do COVID-19. Meetings will be scheduled after we return to school.

Initial Evaluations – All initial evaluations are on hold during the school closures due to COVID-19. Staff is gathering all requests by dates and will contact you when school returns to continue the process. We are awaiting more guidance from DESE on this.

Out of District Meetings – The students who are placed out of the district and have annual meetings scheduled will have virtual meetings if the out of district school has the capability to meet virtually. The coordination between the out of district coordinator and school is critical. If the school cannot provide the team members or the ability to hold a meeting, these meetings will be scheduled after we return to school.

Outside Evaluations – Requests to review outside testing are on hold during the school closures due to COVID-19. Meetings will be scheduled after we return to school.

Progress Meetings- Requests for progress meetings are on hold during the school closures due to COVID-19. Meetings will be scheduled after we return to school.

3-Year Re-Evaluations- All 3-year evaluations are on hold during the school closures due to COVID-19. Staff is gathering all requests by dates and will contact you when school returns to continue the process. We are awaiting more guidance from DESE on this.

Resources to Manage Anxiety

March 17, 2020

Good Afternoon,

There is no doubt this time of uncertainty and health concerns produces anxiety.  The disruption to a regular routine, confinement to home, and messages of widespread illness can be overwhelming for children (and adults too!).

Our PreK-12 mental health professionals gathered developmentally appropriate resources that we hope will assist you in supporting children with management of these feelings.  These resources are listed here and will be updated as more are available.

Should you need individual support, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school-based counseling staff.



Another Social Distancing Reminder

March 17, 2020

Dear Families:

As promised, I will be sending daily reminders to socially distance from one another.  This is important to ensure the well-being of those who are at risk for major complications of the virus and to ensure our medical facilities do not get overwhelmed.

I share an article again from the Washington Post that I hope inspires you to be among those who cooperate:

I also reshare a powerful article from earlier this week that speaks directly to parents and kids home from school.

To the many, many of you who are engaged and staying put at home, thank you!

Upcoming emails…We are working on resources to manage anxiety and additional information and updates about the purpose and goals of virtual learning including guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.



Frequently Asked Questions About School Closure

March 16, 2020

Dear Families:

We thought it would be helpful to collect the questions we received by email and social media so we could share the answers with everyone.  The questions and answers are posted in this Frequently Asked Question document which will reside on the Coronavirus webpage on the main district website.   

For tonight, it is found here:

We hope you find it helpful!  We will continue to add to it as things progress.  The only caveat is that everything in there is accurate as of March 16, 2020 at 7:14 p.m.!



Your Daily Social Distancing Reminder


March 16, 2020

Good Morning,

This morning’s sunshine makes me believe we are about to settle into our new routines and new (while temporary) normal.

I did want to remind you that all of this only matters if we do not group ourselves back together again.
Several people shared this highly informational article from the Washington Post a few days ago, which visually illustrates what we are trying to accomplish when we reference flattening the curve. I’d encourage you to share it with the middle and high school students since I think it is quite comprehensible for them:

I hope everyone is off to a good start in their virtual learning. Having seen a few samples of the wonderful things the teachers are doing, I am very impressed.

Later today, we’ll provide answers to many questions as well as any other updates.


Statewide School Shutdown Through April 7

March 15, 2020

Dear Families:

During his 6 p.m. press conference, Governor Baker announced a statewide shutdown of all schools through Tuesday, April 7. The Governor referenced online and distance learning, which, as you know, we are well prepared to offer to all of our students. He also ensured that families would receive the support provided through food services and special education. As you also know, we are already providing food and will continue to do so throughout the closure. Tomorrow, I was assured we would be given additional guidance about special education services. We had already established the involvement of our special educators in the virtual learning plans that begin tomorrow, recognizing the need for ongoing support to students with needs. Once we know more about the State’s plan, we will inform you and provide whatever is asked of us. We also await plans for MCAS and much, much more.

I cannot stress enough the need to follow social distancing practices during this closure. The Governor closed restaurants and limited groups to no more than 25. These drastic measures inform us as to the significance of the situation, especially for those vulnerable and at high risk. The more we comply with this need to isolate, the safer everyone is, and the sooner things return to normal.

Tomorrow, I will provide an FAQ document (that keeps changing!) in hopes of answering the many questions that are out there. Feel free to send them via email ( or social media, as I am sure whatever question you may have would be of interest to many.

I see a silver lining here. I know how many times I wished for the pace to slow down and to have time with my family. Let’s not see this as an inconvenience but a huge opportunity to connect with those we love.

I will certainly be in touch with more information tomorrow. Thank you so much for the ongoing support.


Virtual Learning Opportunities During School Closure

March 15, 2020

Dear Families,

Beginning on Monday, March 16, virtual curriculum activities will be provided for all students PreK – grade 12. The goal in assigning students thoughtful activities is to give some structure to their days at home and offer continuity and connection for their return to school, not to replicate the learning that happens in a school day.

For students in preschool and elementary school, parents and guardians will receive a daily email with assignments or age-appropriate activities from their child’s classroom teacher. Students from Concord Middle School and Concord Carlisle High School will receive messages with assignments from the teacher of each class on the days when they would have had that class; these messages will mostly come through Google Classroom or email. Daily communication loops are suggested so that students continue to feel connected to their teachers and have productivity.

While designing these learning activities, teachers recognize that students are not in their natural learning environment. As a result, teachers will prioritize skill-building, reviewing critical concepts, and deepening the learning of previously covered content. We established guidance on the amount of school work calls for no more than 20 minutes per subject per day, and this can occur only on days classes would meet if we were in session. To simplify this effort, teachers will generally use materials and platforms familiar to students, and no formal assessments will be administered.  At every level of schools, at least 30 minutes daily of reading for pleasure is recommended.

Most families have access to technology and internet connections.  If you do not, please reach out to your building administrators or school guidance counselor; they can make the connection for you to community agencies that can fulfill these needs. Some of these agencies can also provide support for food, fuel, and other necessities.

We thank you in advance for your flexibility and support as we navigate together these unchartered waters.  Please contact me or the building administrators should any questions or concerns arise.



Food at CCHS Starting Monday March 16 RSVP

March 15, 2020

A Notice from the Food Service Team:

Beginning Monday 3/16/2020 our food services team will be serving bagged breakfasts & lunches centrally for K-12 at our Concord-Carlisle High School for PICK-UP ONLY.

We are asking that students/families arrive between 8:30am-11am and line up in their cars. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING. One of our attendants will ask you to pop your trunk or rear door and an attendant from our staff will place a bag in your vehicle and if needed close the door once placed inside. We will be making as kid friendly meals as possible and will be updated through our CPS website, twitter @CPS_CCHSFOOD @CPS_CCHS and emails from Superintendent Laurie Hunter

This is in service to the community and open to anyone who is need during this closure.  We are not able to accept food donations but fiscal donations are welcome.  Please send checks to CPS/CCRSD Food Service, 120 Merian Road, Concord, MA 01742.

Please answer this survey so we know how many meals to prepare.  Please note, this survey is ANONYMOUS.

Thank you!

School Closure Until At Least March 27

March 14, 2020

Dear Members of the School Community:

I am very grateful for your support over the past week.  I write to share that all of the Concord Public Schools, Concord-Carlisle High School, and Ripley Preschool and Administration Building will be closed at least until March 27, 2020.

Why March 27?  This week, we were among the first to close for an extended period.  This decision went against advisories from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and the Governor’s Office.  A number of my colleagues from local area districts collaboratively reviewed the information from local area experts in the field, discussions in communities where COVID-19 cases were confirmed, and an ongoing concern for the safety of children and all those in the community.   We worked cooperatively with the local Board of Health officials, the local School Committees, and our administrative teams to close for between one and two weeks.

Yesterday, the guidance from DPH, DESE, and the Governor remained the same.  The superintendents, as a large, collective state-wide association, organized ourselves into groups and started to make decisions as to long-term closures.  My amazing group of colleagues agreed on a common two-week shutdown (hence, the March 27 date).  We plan is to use the two weeks to reassess, gather more information, and ensure decisions are made based on the expertise of the most highly qualified professionals available to us.  While this decision is consistent among most regions, it is not 100% consistent, especially given the needs of the large, urban districts.

Although I do not have the answer yet as to what happens in April, I assure you that we are committed to prioritizing safety, health, and wellness and remaining out of school as long as necessary.  I will spend the next two weeks working with the local officials, reflecting on the guidance from the State, consulting experts, and meeting with my regional colleagues (virtually, of course).  I realize that these decisions have huge impact on childcare needs, etc. so they will be made in a timely way that allows you to plan.

I am always happy to have feedback and value the ideas that are shared with me. This past week that input was critical in knowing the sentiment of the community.  Of course, that means we do not all always agree, but do so respectfully, which is healthy in and of itself.

On a positive note, every crisis brings opportunity.  Everywhere I see evidence of support and outreach.  Given so many uncertainties, that is what will get us through.

Still to come over the weekend…we will send additional information about how teachers will provide learning activities and also answer some of the most frequently asked questions so far.

All my best,


Please, Please Do Your Part

March 14, 2020

Dear Families:

I just retweeted an article entitled “This Is Not A Snow Day” by Adriadne Labs (@cps_cchs)  Indeed, it is not.

I write to remind you again of the importance of taking measures to socially distance ourselves from each other to ensure the wellness of our community.  As stressed by Governor Baker this morning, although you may not get seriously ill, others who are at risk can get very, very sick.  We cannot overwhelm the medical services if the virus spreads rapidlly among those at high risk.  Please, take this seriously.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on Friday:

Massachusetts has now begun to see some initial evidence of community spread of COVID-19, and the Department of Public Health (DPH) has made recommendations consistent with a transition into the community mitigation phase of the response.

I also share the CDC’s definition of “community spread”:

Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.

Social distance is critical and is a significant inconvenience.  The disease is highly contagious.  This means that playdates, sleepovers, and many other ways we keep children busy should not be part of your plans.  It is disruptive.  But it is a must.  It makes us rethink everything but that is where we find ourselves during such an unprecedented time.

Calls to 211 are now available to answer questions regarding Coronavirus.  I urge you to do your part for the wellness of all and to take of each other.

Later today and tomorrow, I will have other updates for you.  Please be well.



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