
Superintendent's Message

Food Available at CCHS Today and Next Week

March 13, 2020

Dear Families:

Please see this notice from our food service department:

This afternoon between 2pm-4pm we will be making certain food supplies “grocery” bag style. These bags are entirely dependent on our inventory and our supplies of mostly fresh fruit and some dry materials.

Beginning Monday 3/16/2020 our food services team will be serving bagged breakfasts & lunches centrally for K-12 at our Concord-Carlisle High School for PICK-UP ONLY.

We are asking that students/families arrive between 8:30am-11am and line up in their cars. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING. One of our attendants will ask you to pop your trunk or rear door and an attendant from our staff will place a bag in your vehicle and if needed close the door once placed inside. We will be making as kid friendly meals as possible and will updated through our CPS website, twitter @CPS_CCHSFOOD @CPS_CCHS and emails from Superintendent Laurie Hunter.

This is in service to the community and open to anyone who is need during this closure.

The Importance of Social Distance

March 13, 2020

Dear Families:

Thank you for the support in the extraordinary decision to close the schools.  Our goal is that the decision is proactive in helping to slow the spread of the virus and protect the community from a widespread outbreak.

Now, we ask that you do your part.  Creating social gatherings during the school outage will minimize the impact of closing school.  Carefully consider the necessity of being together.  This is not a vacation.  It is an extreme measure to allow for social distancing so the virus is not spread.  Not being exposed to the virus is the best way not to get sick.  Please refer to this CDC webpage for other recommendations to prevent illness:

It is also very important to take appropriate measures if you do get sick.  The CDC offers clear guidance on this webpage:

If anyone in your family is exposed to the virus and quarantined or is tested or diagnosed with the virus, reporting that is very important to the well-being of the community.  Sharing that information through me or directly to the Board of Health will both allow for support to your family as well as allowing for monitoring and intervention.

Finally, there is no doubt that the disruption and uncertainty is stressful.  Attached is guidance from the World Health Organization in how to support children.  We are also available at any time should your child need assistance from the schools.

Later today, we expect to share information about online learning activities and other services the schools will offer.  Again, thank you for the support.  I am enormously grateful.




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School Closure Friday March 13- Friday, March 20 2020

March 12, 2020

Dear Families:

Since our communication yesterday, we have seen a significant shift in the coronavirus outbreak. We spoke this morning with our local health department officials and at this time, we still do not have any presumptive or confirmed cases in Concord or Carlisle.  However, in the last 24 hours, we have seen an increase in secondary and tertiary contacts reporting possible exposure with an individual who may have been tested for the virus. Therefore, we have decided to take proactive measures to slow the rapid spread of the virus.

We have made the decision to close all of the PreK-8 Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle High School starting tomorrow, March 13, 2020.  Schools will remain closed through Friday, March 20, 2020. It is important for families to understand that this is an initial determination, and as we monitor the outbreak next week, it is likely that this may lead to a longer closure.  This closure applies to all schools, including students who are attending out-of-district schools, extra-curricular activities, athletics, clubs, and building use.

Closing our schools are only a part of the broader solution to prevent community spread of this virus.  If students and families continue to meet together in groups outside of school, this initial 6-day closure will not have the desired impact.  It is critical that students and families refrain from meeting in large groups and practice social distancing as recommended by the CDC.

We will continue to closely monitor this situation and follow the guidance of our local Boards of Health, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).  We will make a decision about whether we need to extend the March 13 through March 20 closure for a longer period of time no later than Friday, March 20, and we will communicate that to families as soon as possible. Regardless of the length of our district closure, DESE guidance indicates that the last day of school for all schools will not go beyond June 19, 2020 as originally outlined in the additional 5 snow days embedded in the 2019-2020 calendar.

While we are closed March 13, 2020- March 20, 2020:

  • We have been developing virtual learning opportunities for students at all levels. Those will be shared by Monday, March 13.  Please watch for further information.
  • Our custodial staff will be cleaning and disinfecting all schools.
  • School offices will be open on Friday, March 13, 2020 in the event a family member needs to pick up materials.  Please contact the school office prior to coming to the school building to let them know you are coming.  Please do not come if you are sick.

As we move through next week, we will communicate with you further with additional details about our closure.  We recognize that this is unprecedented and that this closure will be a significant burden for a number of our families. Should you or your family need support during this period, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and the school administrators via email.

Thank you for your support.



Coronavirus Update – March 11, 2020

March 11, 2020

Good Afternoon,

The situation continues to evolve as we receive guidance from local, state, and national officials.

Here are today’s updates:

  • All non-essential large group events are cancelled for the next two weeks.  I am working with the administrators and parent leaders if there are any questions as to what falls in this category.  I’m happy to answer any other questions as well.  Here is the MDPH guidance we are following:
  • We are working on virtual school day plans should there be a need for long-term cancellations.  A draft of the plan was shared with the CTA and CCTA leadership today.  Each building will hold a voluntary staff meeting after school tomorrow to share the plan and receive feedback.  More details to come from the principals.
  • Should we close, all employees will be paid as usual.  If you are in a high risk group and feel you should not be in school, you can let us know that and use sick time as long as you need.  Please talk with you building principal as to your needs.
  • The principals and I are going to review each field trip over the next two weeks to make decisions about whether the trip will proceed.  Decisions will be made based on the venue and exposure to people and kids outside of our school community.

I’ll be sharing high level information about these topics with families tonight as well.

I am grateful for your patience and flexibility in such a challenging time with so many unknowns.  Please do not hesitate to let us know what support you and the kids need.


Coronavirus Update – March 10, 2020

March 10, 2020

Dear Families:

This afternoon, the Governor held a press conference that included updates as to the status of Coronavirus in the Commonwealth and then outlined a number of new protocols.  Governor Baker declared a State of Emergency given 92 presumptive cases in the state.  The following is now in place for public schools:

•    Cancelation of all domestic trips for the remainder of the school year
•    No more than five make-up days regardless of the amount of time school is canceled
•    Removal of accountability relative to student attendance from March 1 and beyond

Tomorrow and Thursday, I expect to have conference calls with both the Department of Public Health and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education that will include guidance as to school closures and more. 

We are very appreciative of the ongoing communication and questions.  To date, there are no cases in Concord or Carlisle.  Should any potential or definitive exposures to the virus occur, please do not hesitate to let us know.  The information allows us to plan while maintaining privacy and student welfare. 


Dr. Laurie Hunter, Superintendent

Coronavirus Update – March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020

Dear Families:

I want to provide an update as to the continual discussions and planning regarding Coronavirus.  As you likely are aware, this weekend the number of cases in Middlesex County increased, including one diagnosed at Emerson Hospital.  To date, we have not been notified that any of these cases have a direct connection to the school community.  I have been in touch with the Concord Board of Health all weekend ensuring that school is a safe place to be today.

Also this weekend, we elected to cancel a CCHS event on Saturday hosting senior citizens given Department of Health guidance not to have large numbers of elderly gather together.  To date, this is the only large group event to be canceled.  Also, in accordance with the Commissioner of Education’s directive, all international travel is suspended for the remainder of the school year.  Domestic travel will be reviewed in upcoming weeks.

This morning, all students will have a developmentally appropriate discussion with their teachers as to how school is safe and best practices in self-care as a means to reduce any anxiety around being in school.

The situation remains very fluid as we collaboratively follow local, state, and national guidance as to the status of the Commonwealth and local Concord-Carlisle area.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to an administrator or me directly should you have questions.


Dr. Laurie Hunter, Superintendent

Coronavirus Update – March 7, 2020

March 7, 2020

Good Afternoon:

I want to provide you updates as to our planning and preparations regarding the potential of Coronavirus.  Yesterday, we:

  • met with a large number of town leaders
  • conference called with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education/Department of Public Health
  • met with central office and principals to prepare

The most reliable and thorough sources of information are the CDC and DPH.  Their webpages are found here:

Attached are fact sheets from the CDC for your reference.  I urge you to stay informed as facts allow you to be proactive and knowledgable.

I believe there are other ways for families to be prepared.  Please make plans for childcare.  Our hope is that we will remain open without disruption.    That said, as you saw in Wellesley and Plymouth, situations may change quickly given an overabundance of caution.   We also want to share the current Massachusetts 180 day school requirement so you will understand how closures might impact the school year:

We understand that there is some heightening anxiety and believe that a sense of readiness will serve us best.   All of the administrators are available should you have questions or information to share.  We also recognize that there may be growing anxiety in the children.  On Monday morning, for just a few minutes, all of the educators will conduct an age appropriate discussion of how school is safe, not everyone who is sick has the virus, and a review of handwashing, etc.  Our approach will be to acknowledge what is happening, provide facts, and let students know they can ask questions.

Risk in Massachusetts remains low.  We continue to focus on cleaning schools, monitoring the information as it is released, and working closely with the local, state, and national officials.

I am confident that together we will manage this through support to one another and the community through a balance of preparedness and calm.


Dr. Laurie Hunter, Superintendent


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Coronavirus Update – March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020

Dear Families:

I write to provide an update regarding COVIC-19 and our preparations for ensuring the safety of all in our schools.  It is important to remember that the risk in Massachusetts remains low.

We continue to actively monitor and follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) in consultation with the Concord Board of Health (BOH).  In addition to travel advisories, the CDC published guidance for schools that we are following explicitly:

Our current work includes:

  • Regular cleaning of the schools, especially on high traffic surface areas
  • Deep cleaning of each school during this week
  • Consultation with the Concord BOH as to questions regarding return from recent international travel
  • CCHS trip scheduled for April to China was previously cancelled
  • Reminders of best practices in handwashing, covering coughs, and staying home when ill
  • Meeting frequently with local health officials

The information and guidelines are continually changing.  We will stay well-informed and adjust decisions according to that information.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.


Dr. Laurie Hunter, Superintendent

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