
Updates October 11, 2021

October 11, 2021

Dear Families:

I hope you enjoy the long weekend!  It amazes us to already be in the middle of October! One of my goals is to make these updates more engaging and so I hope you will enjoy the addition of some photos this week!

This Week’s Spotlights

Ripley STEAM Lab and CMS Makerspace

It has been 18 months since the Ripley STEAM Lab heard the sounds of students imagining, creating, analyzing, and collaborating.  Elementary students are now returning to the special space on in-district field trips from their individual schools.  Through technology and many other hands-on activities, students work in small groups and as partners to create and design.  This past week,  fifth grade students programmed Spheros Robotics Balls as an example.  The STEAM Lab is led by Assistant Superintendent Kristen Herbert and her staff with the partnership of classroom teachers when their classes visit.

Makerspaces are similar spaces where students engage in a wide range of hands-on activities and materials.  Currently, both middle school buildings have small makerspaces available to students.  With great thanks to Media Specialist Elizabeth Stockwood, the CMS library webpage outlines some of the many possibilities.  The new Concord Middle School design includes space to ensure these opportunities continue.


CCHS Unified Basketball

Among our goals in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan is to continue to foster the inclusion of all students.  An objective in the plan has been to build a Unified Sports program at CCHS.  Unified Sports is an aspect of the Special Olympics program where students with and without intellectual disabilities play together.  The new basketball team had their first game against Acton-Boxborough this past week.  This follows a successful initial season of Unified Track this past spring.  We thank the vision of CCHS Athletic Director Aaron Joncas and a number of talented coaches for launching these programs.

COVID Updates

Last week, we had 2 positive COVID cases for a total of 31:

1 CCHS and 1 Alcott student

The COVID Dashboard will be updated throughout the week.  We will notify those who need to be notified of any positive cases.

Pooled testing is up and running smoothly.  We are using the rapid antigen tests if a positive pool is returned meaning that no one quarantines unless they are positive on the antigen test.

We encourage all students to participate even if they are vaccinated in order to help us ensure the safest possible environment at all schools.  Thank you as always for your support and cooperation.


We will utilize text and phone calls only for emergencies or critical, timely information.  Social media and email will include both important and informative information but will never be the only place where something timely is posted.  Do you remember the days when our only options were paper notes and handmade phone chains?  It is great to have so many tools.  We know we need to use them purposefully.

Concord Free Public Library

We continue to very successfully partner with the Concord Free Public Library including through the summer reading program.  Throughout the year they offer a wide range of programs for younger students and teens.  We encourage you to continually peruse out.

CFPL Kids Programs

CFPL Teen Programs

Have a great start to the short week!


Twitter: @cps_cchs

Instagram:  @ccsuperintendent