
Two New COVID Cases and Important Return to School Information

November 29, 2020

Dear Families:

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend!  As we prepare to return to school tomorrow, it is very important that we all collaborate and cooperate to make the return successful.  Please read this carefully to ensure information is commonly understood.

Two COVID Cases Willard

Two new student cases at Willard were reported today.  The students have been out of school for an extended period so there are no school-related close contacts.  These cases are not related to last week’s cases at Willard.

Thanksgiving Travel

The only state not considered high risk currently is Hawaii after Vermont was added to the list this weekend.  IF YOU TRAVELED OVER THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND, YOU MUST QUARANTINE AND HAVE A NEGATIVE COVID TEST TO RETURN TO SCHOOL.   Please consider the well-being of everyone and comply with the Governor’s Order.

Symptomatic Family Members

We are now asking that students stay home until a negative test is received if ANY family member is symptomatic.  With the rate of spread and transmission within families, this is a conservative but prudent approach.

Please Share COVID Related Information

If anyone in your home tests positive, please report it to the school nurse and/or building administrator immediately.  We can help to connect you with the Public Health Nurse who is tracing all school related cases.  It has also been helpful just to send us a quick note that someone in the house is being tested.  All information about what is happening allows us to be proactive.

COVID Data Dashboards

This week’s local community numbers are from the DPH report released on Friday and includes the prison cases.

Our District COVID Data Dashboard is also posted. As of writing this email, our total number of cases to date is 23.

COVID Testing Information

Testing is not as easily accessible as it has been.  We wanted to offer recommendations to assist.  Be sure testing is done via a PCR test.  The schools will not accept an antigen test result.

Massachusetts Stop the Spread Sites

Stop the Spread sites accept everyone including asymptomatic individuals without a PCP order.  The sites generally are first come first serve.  With virus rates high, early arrival is highly recommended as the site will close when it reaches capacity for the day.  Details and locations are found here.

COVID Testing Emerson

Emerson requires an order from the PCP at all of its sites.  More information is found here.   Be sure also to check with your insurance provider since some require that you attend specific testing locations.

Flu Vaccines

A reminder that all public school students are required to have a flu shot by the end of the year.  The deadline to submit documentation to the school nurses of the immunization is December 11.

Quarantine Buddies Expands

Would your elementary or middle school student like to be part of a High School Buddy Program? A lot has changed in a small amount of time with social distancing, virtual school, parents working from home or out on the front lines as essential workers, and so much more. With all this change and a lot of time at home, I am starting a CCHS Buddy Program where high school students can meet over zoom or write pen pal notes once a week with elementary and middle school students. We will match your elementary or middle school student with a CCHS student to write back and forth, talk, play virtual games, help with school work, or just be a friend in a time that kids might feel like they do not always have someone there for them.

If your child is interested in being paired up with a High School Buddy please fill out the Google Form below!

I hope everyone is well and healthy!

Thanks, Susannah Snell (CCHS, Class of 2022)


Joint School Committee Meeting

The Joint School Committees meet on Tuesday evening with an agenda focused on our work in cultural competency and anti-racism.

Thank you so much for your support.

