

February 9, 2022

Dear Families:

I wanted to provide you with an update as to our conversations about masks in the schools.    The Joint School Committees have an agenda item planned for their next meeting on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.  We began this discussion internally at the beginning of the month as the case numbers showed a decline.  This morning, the Governor’s announcement is an important informational piece to our discussion, anticipating that the state will retreat from the current mandate that expires on February 28.  We are also communicating with the local public health leaders and the Concord Board of Health, given the mask mandate in effect in Concord.  We appreciate that there is great readiness and need to move forward which will be accompanied by anxiety and apprehension for some.   As the coming week evolves, we will be sure to share updated information.   As always, we are grateful for the collaboration and partnership over the past two years.

