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Induction and Mentoring for Educators


The induction begins once a new educator is hired into the district. Over the course of the summer, new educators are offered their school-issued laptop and training on the software programs. New Employee Orientation is held for two days toward the end of  August; during this time, new educators are oriented to the vision and goals of the district; meet their colleagues and mentors; have a tour of Concord; and participate in an enjoyable scavenger hunt. 

Each new educator works with a mentor over their first year in the district. The goal is to provide new educators with orientation, support, and a problem-solving partner. In general, new educators meet with their mentors weekly. The mentors are all highly qualified educators with professional status and in the same department and school building as the new educator. New educators are matched with mentors by their school principal and/or their department chair. Professional development points are offered for the mentoring program. The mentoring program is led by mentor facilitators.

A mentoring program for educators in their second and third years in the district is provided through the Concord Fellows program. (See description under “In District PD.”)

Affinity Group

Affinity Group – Presentation and Information for Educators

The Educators of Color Mentor Affinity Group is an extension of our district’s Induction and Mentoring Program. We believe it is critically important to support our educators of color professionally and effectively once they are employed in our schools. We strive to be intentional in ensuring that the career trajectory of our educators of color is a successful and meaningful experience, in which they become an integral part of the school community and are role models for all students, particularly for students of color. The Educators of Color Mentor Affinity Group is available to:

  •  Educators of color hired as of this 2021-22 school year
  • All other educators of color employed within the last three years (from SY 2019-20 – present)
  • Educators who identify as a person of color: Native American, Black/African American, African, North African Descent, Latino, Asian/Asian American, Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander, Multi-racial, Bi-racial, Middle Eastern.

DEI Resources

Mentors and Guides

Educators new to the Concord Public Schools and the Concord-Carlisle Regional School Districts must participate in a Professional Orientation Program (POP) or  Induction and Mentoring Program. The DESE sets this requirement for all public schools.

There are three components to the CPS and CCHS Induction and Mentoring  Program: 

  • Guide Program 
  • Mentor Program 
  • Fifty hours of PD via Concord Fellows (CF) Professional Learning Program