Professional Development
Vision Statement for Educator Professional Learning
Professional learning for educators can greatly impact student learning. Quality professional learning has seven key elements. Necessarily, the adult learning experiences are directly tied to school-wide reform efforts, vision for student learning, and goals. The experiences are connected to teacher needs as identified in self-assessment and are differentiated based on faculty members’ knowledge, experience, and/or discipline. These experiences impact student learning when they are directly tied to student outcomes and when participants create a product and/or there are expected outcomes.
Additionally, we believe it is important for professional learning to include: time to collaborate with coach and/or colleagues; a leader is knowledgeable, engaging, and responsive; structured planning and practice; modeling of the techniques and/or content being learned; follow up or be job-embedded; opportunities for reflection; learning activities match the goals; and, opportunities to give feedback on the quality of professional learning.
When these necessary and important characteristics are in place, educator professional learning can have the greatest possible positive effect on students’ learning.
MyLearningPlan (Frontline - Professional Growth) Our online professional development program and evaluation form management system.