
Environmental Sustainability

January 20, 2020

Good Evening,

As previously mentioned, it is important to share updates relative to the efforts toward reaching the goals in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.   The goal of creating a safe and healthy learning environment includes environmental sustainability.  The schools are committed and enthusiastic about these efforts.  One year ago, a District Sustainability Committee formed where administrators, faculty, parents, students and community members could plan this work.

The 2019-2020 Sustainability Action Plan integrates school-based focuses on reaching the Town of Concord’s Sustainability Goals and Principles.  This year, we are focused on:  Composting, Energy, Transportation, Student Learning.  Updates on each are provided below.


Thoreau started composting last year.   Results to date:


Composting Kickoff!  A Composting Crew of 50 CCHS students recently started to coach their peers daily so composting happens smoothly!

CMS, Willard, and Alcott are making plans to get started!

Electric School Buses

We were notified in late December that our grant application for a second electric school bus was accepted!  On January 21, 2020, we will present an overview of the status of the fleet and offer recommendations to continue to expand the number of electric buses.

Middle School Project

Please visit the CMS Building Project web page for an overview of the sustainability discussion to date:  The project looks to be among model schools in Massachusetts.

Curriculum Examples

One of our major goals for the year is noting the alignment between the curriculum and sustainability.  Director of Teaching and Learning, Kristen Herbert, will join us at the District Sustainability Committee meeting next week for that purpose.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a fantastic Energy Fair where 7th students made projects to educate their classmates on different types of energy.  The students then recommended an energy source for the town which I shared with the Middle School Building Committee.


We enjoy partnerships with multiple groups in the community including:

Climate Solutions Speaker Series

Concord Climate Action Network

Concord on Tap
Cooler Concord

Mother’s Out Front

Town of Concord Sustainability and Energy Committee

Town of Concord Climate Action Advisory Board

Student Groups

Students are actively engaged in these efforts.  Among a number of student groups are:

Concord Middle School Green Team

Concord Middle School Animals and Plant Club

CCHS Environmental Club

CCHS Green Team

CCHS Sunrise Movement

In order to share information regularly, the district web page now hosts an Environmental Sustainability page.

Finally, I want to highlight an event we are co-sponsoring at Willard tomorrow night at 7:30 pm.  The founder of the Sunrise Movement, Varshini Parkash, will be available via video call.  I’m sure it will be a motivating discussion!


Dr. Laurie Hunter, Superintendent