
Daily Symptom Screener in Aspen

September 3, 2020

Dear Families:

As mentioned, completion of a COVID symptom screener is required at least one hour before the start of the school day via the Aspen portal.  In order to streamline the process, we are asking all parents to complete the screener (for each individual child).  This replaces the earlier plan for high school students to complete it since through the parent portal is friendly to mobile devices.  Students learning remotely either full time or via the hybrid model do not need to complete the screener on remote learning days.

Any student looking to attend in-person learning must have a complete screener posted in Aspen.  A designee at each school will review the information simply for completion.  If a child has the symptoms as posted in the screener, they should stay home and learn remotely.  Our illness protocols require a negative COVID test and being symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.  If a child arrives to school with symptoms, they will immediately be sent to the nurse and you will be contacted to take your child from school.

The information below outlines the simple steps to access the screener in Aspen and complete the form.  Thank you for your cooperation and support in opening our schools safely.




The Family COVID screening workflow is mobile-friendly and easy to use on a phone or tablet. Please watch the video tutorial for instructions on how to submit a new COVID screening for your student(s) on a mobile device.

From a computer, log into your Aspen account and click the link under Announcements to enter a new COVID screening for your student(s):

If you have any difficulties or need help with your account credentials, please email for assistance.