
COVID Updates

August 29, 2021

Dear Families:

I write with a few COVID updates and resources as we return to school tomorrow!


We learned of two positive vaccinated adults this weekend at Thoreau and Ripley.  Both were at work last week and contact tracing completed.  We also learned of two positive Thoreau students.  We expected to have cases given the current state numbers and also expect our COVID protocols to be effective.

COVID Websites

We created a portion of the district webpage to host this year’s COVID information.  It is found here:

COVID Resources

The following resources will be posted to that website tomorrow:

PCR Testing Sites

Close Contact Flow Chart

Symptomatic Flow Chart

Asymptomatic Pooled Testing Update

Pool testing will begin the week of September 7.  Please watch for the consent form this week.  Everyone will need to reregister.  We believe pool testing is an important mitigation factor to know what is happening in the schools.  Please participate.

Symptom Screener

This is a reminder to complete the screener before school tomorrow morning and to monitor for symptoms, even mild ones.

I look forward to providing updates on other topics this year in addition to COVID!  It will be one thing we do, not everything we do!  Welcome back!

