
COVID Email Address and Food Pantry

December 22, 2020

Dear Families:

I have what I think will be the last set of informational items before we close for the break.

COVID Email Address

Over the vacation, we will be monitoring one email address across all of the schools for COVID related information and questions.  Please use this email rather than emailing the principals or nurses so we can ensure that you will get a timely response.  This account will be active only during school vacation periods.  It is still important for us to know of any positive cases and, as needed, be available to answer your questions.  The email address is below.

Over the next several days, we will report positive COVID cases if they have an impact to the in-person school setting.  Otherwise, we will share summary information as we return in January.

Food Pantry Wednesday 1-2 pm

From Open Table:  We are hosting a drive-thru food pantry at First Parish Church, 20 Lexington Road, Concord this Wednesday, December 23 from 1-2 pm for Concord and Carlisle residents, and for those who live elsewhere but work in Concord and Carlisle. We’ll be handing out special holiday bags in addition to our regular groceries! Please pass on this information to anyone in your networks who may be interested in getting food before Open Table and other pantries close for the holidays.

We are so deeply grateful for your partnership with us.  It is certainly a milestone to have stayed open for the duration of 2020.  I believe the ability to do that was beyond most of our expectations.  The success of the first portion of the year is a testament to the commitment of educators and school staff, dedication of parents, support of a caring and involved community, and the energy of 3300 amazing kids.

